

Majo ( Mexico Mexico )

The Song “Yellow” by Coldplay – Majo’s goosebump moment

(text video)

“Hi! I’m Majo, I’m from Mexico, and my goosebump moment was at Coldplay’s concert in Mexico City in 2010, or 09–I don’t remember. They were playing the song “Yellow” at the end of the show. There was a big yellow planet, like the album, on the back of the stage, behind the band, on the screen. And then, I’m guessing, at the chorus or the middle of the song, they started releasing giant balloons into the audience. But I’m talking a meter-wide or more. They were gigantic and it was awesome! And it was super special because it was one of the last concerts that I got to go to with my mom. So listening to the song, every time, gives me goosebumps.”


The Simple Beauty of the Song

“Yellow” was Coldplay’s first big hit, released in the summer of 2000. It was the way Coldplay’s name spread around the world as one of the new bands to follow. It is also one of the most characteristic and particular singles of the English band. For that peculiar way of singing that Chris Martin has and for the simple beauty of the song, which even today, years later, is remembered and hummed.

The way in which the lyrics of that song came about is, in fact, quite random. Coldplay themselves, and specifically Chris Martin, tells it in this video interview for the BBC: during the recording sessions the notes began to flow spontaneously from the guitar, and Chris Martin instinctively thought of Neil Young’s way of singing.

Somehow he associated that intonation with the choice of verse meter and with some key words with which the verses would end, such as “stars” and “you”. And then, for no apparent reason, Martin saw the yellow pages in the studio and decided to use the word “yellow” heavily in the lyrics. The process thus started from the notes and the inspiration of the moment, and it was only at a later stage that the text was built around them.

Over the years, many have wondered about the true meaning of the final text, perhaps precisely because of the use of certain words that do not have a clear meaning for everyone. All those who have dedicated themselves to the interpretation have added their own sensitivity. Some have guessed that it’s a song about unrequited love or even death, topics that in reality do not emerge unequivocally from the lyrics.

It is definitely a love song. It is probably not aimed at any particular woman, so we can assume that Chris Martin is describing the pleasurable feelings he associates with love in general. By producing lyrics that did not have a real message to convey at the beginning, in this way the song becomes a spontaneous expression of the emotions felt by who wrote it. Thinking about the stars and the beauty of your loved one. Yellow is a warm color, associated with light, and therefore can have a strong symbolic charge.

Chris Martin repeated several times that the lyrics of that song “don’t make much sense”. Yet many Coldplay fans saw this as a beautiful thing. Because basically, love is like this too: it does not come with a meaning ready to be understood. It just comes. And it’s beautiful.

More About The Song “Yellow” by Coldplay:



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